Hungry Like the Wolf (Cursed Kin Series Book 1) Page 4
“I’ll be good and stop,” he whispered, laying back and opening his mouth, trying to distract her and himself. She hesitated for a moment and slowly began to clean his teeth. The whirring was like a white noise soothing him as he lay there. He laced his fingers on his chest and tried to keep from breathing her scent any more than he had to. Focus on the cherry fluoride and that smell.
Once she finished, she squirted some water in his mouth and ran the suction tube carefully. Grabbing the floss, she began moving through his mouth with precision until she got to his canines. Carefully, she slid the floss and let out a curious ‘huh?’ under her breath but never commented or said a word. He knew from experience that the floss went deep under his gums easily but nothing would indicate that they would descend… unless they simply did, and that didn’t happen unless there was blood present.
As she reached the final tooth, he felt a loss deep inside his soul knowing that his appointment was nearly over and she’d not said a word. Suddenly, he felt velvet lips touch his ever so briefly causing him to gasp as his eyes flew open. The surge of protective desire was nearly overwhelming and he unlaced his fingers to clench at the arms of the seat in order to keep from moving. It was a sweet, tender, shy kiss that didn’t last long enough. Holly’s breath was coming out in shallow pants as her face was flushed and her pupils dilated. She was the most spectacular thing he’d ever seen.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that but I… uh… I like cinnamon floss,” she said faintly as an apology, looking at him nervously as if she expected him to be upset or push for more. Niall was stunned by the ferocity of desire flooding his body.
“Does that mean you’ll have dinner with me?”
“No,” she said with a Cheshire smile that drove him wild. “I was testing a theory.”
“Care to share it?”
“I wanted to see if you smelled as good as you claimed that I did, you weird man,” she laughed softly. “If you want to date a girl, you shouldn’t go about it like you did the other day.”
“If you aren’t interested in dating a guy, you shouldn’t kiss him.”
“Touché,” she said arching a delicate eyebrow, using his own words against him.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
“I don’t think so,” she scoffed.
“Then next week?”
“We aren’t dating.”
“Call it what you want, I don’t care.”
“I can call it harassment, if you keep this up.”
“I can claim sexual assault,” he retorted.
“Oh, you wish!” she stammered in surprise.
“Yeah, princess… I kinda do,” he murmured.
“Your cleaning is over, Mr. Cael,” she said in a controlled tone that brooked no argument. His alpha mate was dictating their courtship and he would do as she said, but return to pursue her again.
“Yes ma’am,” he said with a wicked grin, running his tongue over his teeth. “Mmm delicious.” He knew it was obnoxious and saw the reaction he wanted in her. Holly’s face flushed beet red, all the way down her neck and into her blouse as her body tightened perceptibly. He wanted to kiss her again and tug on that sweet bottom lip as he pulled her against him, but it would have to wait. She had to perceive that she was in control and he was more than willing to let her steer the wheel.
Holly pulled at the purple satiny dress that she’d been fitted for and grimaced as she looked in the mirror. If this was her friend’s idea of a beautiful wedding, so be it. She didn’t want poofed sleeves, flounces or dresses to look like something out of a cartoon. Right now, she’d qualify for the ugly stepsister and briefly wondered if that was the look that was wanted. Vanessa Stafford had always preferred sleek, gorgeous clothing. She could grace a fashion magazine once she ditched her glasses and lab coat.
This was not her doing.
“Vanessa, I’m so happy for you,” Holly repeated again. Maybe if she kept saying it, she’d eventually feel it. Today didn’t feel like a wedding, it felt like a funeral. Vanessa looked downright miserable, like someone had just crushed her spirit. She was standing there in a poofy dress as well that looked like sequins had been on clearance when it was made. Every time Vanessa moved, there was an audible swish and clicking sound as the satin and sequins hit each other.
“This is atrocious,” Vanessa whispered under her breath, horrified. “Help me, Holly.”
Holly jerked her head up and met her frightened eyes. Several other women were chit-chatting together and ignoring the two of them completely. Vanessa’s upcoming mother-in-law was walking over with makeup and a can of hairspray tucked under her arm for a final touch-up before the ceremony was to start.
Vanessa was supposed to marry her father’s partner and Holly had thought it was for love. She knew now that something was seriously wrong.
“Ladies, I can’t wait to see this…this all begin, but Van and I have known each other for years and we need a second alone. Meet-cha at the altar?” Holly exclaimed gleefully and plastered a smile across her face, grabbing Vanessa’s hand emphatically. As they filed out of the room and the door closed behind the last woman, Holly turned to look at Vanessa’s pale face.
“Are you alright?”
“No,” she whispered horrified. “This isn’t me at all. I mean, I have known Russ since a child and we grew up together. Once he started working for Daddy, it was always assumed that our families would be together. We started dating and it just seemed normal – like this was supposed to be, you know?”
“So, what happened?”
“Holly, there was this guy at my bachelor party…”
“I knew I should have gone!” Holly yelped, slapping her forehead in remorse. “Don’t chase down the rabbit, okay? It just leaves a big stupid regretful mess.”
“That’s me,” Vanessa wailed, her eyes tearing up and looking at her in stunned shock. “What am I supposed to do?”
“What happened?”
“Holly, I slept with him… in the bathroom of a bar of all places,” she admitted horrified. “I can’t stop thinking about it and seeing him.”
“Oh my gosh, you did? You can’t? Van, you can’t go… you aren’t supposed to… you are marrying Russ in less than ten minutes!” she blurted out. “You didn’t tell him, did you?”
“No! Of course not! How could I tell Russ that I slept with someone else and don’t want him anymore?”
“Seriously? You are thinking of trashing your whole life for this mysterious guy? What’s his name? What does he do for a living?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted, her face flushing with shame. “It didn’t matter at the time. I mean, I just saw him and my heart kinda stopped. Then we were… uh… we were…”
“Don’t tell me,” Holly interrupted. “You slept with some no name vagrant and now you want to throw away everything?”
“He wasn’t a vagrant. He was wearing a gorgeous suit and I thought he was the stripper, you know? I mean, things were so hot, so kinky, and I loved it” she admitted, blushing hotly covering her face with her hands.
“Well he stripped, now didn’t he?” she barked out bluntly.
“Oh gosh, Holly, even you’d have put money in his g-string…” Van laughed sadly at the memory, “but he wasn’t wearing any. I’ve never felt like that before and… I know Russ isn’t it for me.”
“What are you going to do?”
“My duty to my family…and I feel like I’m dying inside.”
“You look like it too,” she blurted. “Van, if you are sure about this – you owe it to Russ to actually try to be happy. If you can’t or don’t want to try, it’s not fair to him. He’s been good to you and deserves a chance at least.”
“I know. I’m going to try.”
“You do what is right for both of you – no matter how hard it is.” Holly stood there watching the emotions on Vanessa’s face and felt a rush of anger for the man who’d casually slept with her friend at an obvious weak
moment. Vanessa had always put up a brave front but lacked self-confidence. He’d used that to his advantage and taken what wasn’t his. “What do you want to do?”
“I’m going to marry Russ,” she said with a nod and looked at Holly pleadingly. “Don’t tell anyone, please”
“You know I won’t.”
“I know – and thank you.”
“That’s what friends are here for.”
“You are my best friend and I’m so glad I ever met you.”
“Me too.”
“You ready, Mrs. Stallings?”
“That sounds so odd,” she admitted.
“Get used to it sweetie,” Holly said with a knowing smile. “Russ will never go with you using your name over his.” Holly linked arms with Vanessa and walked towards the door. She could feel the bride’s arm trembling as she bravely faced her future. Opening it, Holly stepped out into the sun and knew that if she was in Vanessa’s shoes, she’d feel like a sacrificial lamb going to the altar. Holly wanted something encompassing in her life and knew she couldn’t make the same decision as Vanessa – she’d never settle for less than fireworks.
Holly found herself walking slowly up the aisle and could only imagine what was going on in Vanessa’s mind. She knew deep inside, she could not have done the same… but then again, she’d really never felt such an urge like Van mentioned unless you counted that kiss a week ago. She’d thought of it repeatedly and how bad she’d felt avoiding the man. Thankfully her team was able to brush him off repeatedly as he’d shown up at her office.
“Holly was here, she went home sick.”
“You just missed her, she left for the day.”
“She called in and someone’s been watching her patients for her.”
“She’s busy and said tomorrow.”
Holly knew she was going to have to face Niall sooner or later. Facing him would mean addressing that kiss between them. She’d given in to a moment’s desire and knew the moment she’d seen his expression that she’d made a mistake. He wouldn’t give up or let go. She knew that now. She’d actually been watching over her shoulder and avoided being out in town. Her running had been on the treadmill at home and Amazon had delivered her groceries.
“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride!”
Holly watched horrified as Vanessa kissed Russ as emphatically as someone licking a toilet seat would be. It was painful to watch and obvious to anyone with two eyes. What was she going to do? Her friend’s new husband would be wanting to get it on tonight and she couldn’t even imagine what that would be like. Blankly she followed them down the aisle and headed straight for the bar to get a drink in the reception hall. She never ever hardly imbibed but today was different. Today she needed to relax and forget things.
“Jack, straight up please,” Holly ordered softly and looked sideways at the bride and groom taking their positions at the table. She was so glad the photos were already done and maybe this afternoon could become a thing of the past quickly.
“Make that two, sir,” Holly heard from behind her and her heart sank. How was Niall here? Putting on a brave face, she glanced over at him in surprise. Gosh he looked beautiful in a suit. The black against his hair and skin made him look practically debonair, like James Bond or some GQ cover model.
“Are you avoiding me?”
“Maybe,” she answered honestly, accepting the small shot glass and holding it up in salute. “I might be and you aren’t taking the hint either. What are you doing here? Are you following me?”
“I own part of the company,” Niall shrugged easily. “I’m here as a favor and paying the open bar’s tab as a gift to the happy couple.”
“Then I will take two more,” she quipped easily at the bartender and muttered under her breath. “Happy couple? Ha.”
“Not so much I gather?” he said quickly, nodding and holding up two fingers. The bartender quickly lined up four shot glasses and poured Jack Daniels in the small glasses, spilling it slightly on the wooden top. Niall tapped the wooden bar and put several bills in the tip jar, taking the bottle as he gathered up the glasses precariously. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk?”
“I don’t think that’s a great idea,” she admitted, watching him.
“Jack does,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. Holly smiled and found herself following him away from the pathetic display of affection between the bride and groom. She couldn’t watch that anymore without yelling out how wrong this all was. Whatever had happened with Vanessa, she wasn’t attracted to Russ any longer and it was painfully obvious.
Exiting the reception area, they walked down the hallway of the building and Holly saw Niall try a few doors before finally opening one. The small office had several chairs stacked up, file cabinets and other office equipment on shelves nearby. Nothing fancy, just a small storage area. Setting down the shot glasses and bottle, he pulled free two chairs and set them down. Holly quickly took a seat and backed it away from him as he cracked the mini blinds. Streams of light poured in the room and she was kinda glad he didn’t flip on the overhead light. It gave it a more secluded, private atmosphere – like they were hiding away from the world. Motes of dust danced on the beams and she found herself staring at them numbly.
“What’s wrong?”
“That,” she said bluntly, tossing her thumb over her shoulder. “Was all wrong.”
“I noticed.”
“Wasn’t that painful to watch?”
“They aren’t right for each other,” he agreed, handing her a shot glass. “Russ is a fairly nice guy and I’ve met him a few times but anyone with eyes can see that she’s not interested. I actually feel sorry for the guy.”
“Why? Cause he’s not taking no for an answer either?”
“Funny Holly,” he said wryly, clinking his glass against hers. “I thought perhaps we could talk for a bit and figure some of this out?”
“There is nothing to figure out.”
“Holly, I’m not giving up and that kiss…”
“Sheesh… I made a mistake doing that,” she said irritated and tossed back her drink, holding the glass out. “You are annoying, irritating and I’m not cool with some guy bullying me around or sniffing me weirdly. So, thanks for the booze but I’m not interested.”
“You are interested,” he began firmly, refilling her glass. “I’m all of those things and more. I’m not going to let you push me away because you are worried or scared. I can be patient.”
“Patient for what?”
“For this,” he countered, leaning forward. His hand circled her neck and pulled her towards him. Holly found herself leaning forward and not even fighting it, the shot glass spilling in her lap unheeded. Niall’s lips found hers and she felt herself melting against him just like before at her office.
There was something primal in their kiss that lit a fire inside of her and made her body itch with desire. She shut her eyes and blamed it on the alcohol mentally as she felt his hands roaming her back, pulling her into the chair he was sitting on. The strength in his arms was incredible and she barely noticed the movement until she was sitting there, straddling the arms of the office chair.
Leaning back, Holly felt the zipper of her horrid dress slowly slide down, freeing her torso as her breasts touched the cool air in the dimly lit room. It felt seedy, taboo…and absolutely fantastic! His hot mouth tore away from hers and clamped down on one of her breasts, causing her to arch heavily against him, tearing a moan from her throat of its own accord. Her body felt like it was on fire at Niall’s touch.
His hands were climbing up her legs as he feasted on her body, moving from one creamy globe to the other. She felt her panties get pulled aside and just as she began to protest at the intimate act, his finger touched her. Holly’s breath escaped her as her body moved of its own accord in desperation. His lips were everywhere, licking and nuzzling her. She heard him breathe softly in her ear words she didn’t understand, just before she felt a warmth against her neck. Caught
up in the ecstasy of the moment, she arched against the momentary pinch and the feel of his lips on her throat.
Such pleasure, warmth…and itching?
“Wait,” she breathed, pulling back from him. She felt his fingers caress her very core and shivered in pleasure. “Wait Niall, I can’t,” she repeated- pushing at his shoulders and struggling to extract herself from his arms. His breath was ragged and she felt him lick her throat, leaving a burning itch in the same spot.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I lost control and couldn’t help myself.”
“I’m sorry, she repeated and looked down at her exposed arms as she jerked her dress up. “Oh my gosh, I am breaking out in hives!” she squawked. “Seriously, do you have any animals at home?”
“Holly, we need to talk,” he said painfully.
“This was your version of us talking,” she smarted off and pulled herself off the chair, reaching behind her and righting her panties. “Oh, my goodness, no wonder Van was bothered about marrying Russ if she felt like that. I’d be upset too,” she muttered.
“What are you talk…” Niall stopped and looked alarmed. “I need to go.”
“Really dude? You get all handsy and then ditch me?”
“Holly, I can explain but I need to go. We need to go.”
“I can feel it. One of my family is here.”
“Don’t you want to see them?”
“I can’t,” he said sadly, her heart feeling a pull at the fierce longing in his face. “It’s part of what we should talk about.”
“No offense, but I need to get away from you and this place. I need some Benadryl fast or a steroid. I’m itching like crazy.”
“Allow me,” he offered, pulling a package of Benadryl from the pocket of his jacket. She gratefully took a few pills and swallowed them without the benefit of water in desperation. He was watching her and there was a look of remorse on his face.