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Hungry Like the Wolf (Cursed Kin Series Book 1) Page 5

  “You didn’t do this,” she started and then stopped, presenting her back to him as he quickly zipped her back up. “Unless you have an animal at home, you didn’t do this to me. It’s normal and just annoying.”

  “Holly,” he started and then looked up again. “I need to go. Come with me and let’s talk somewhere that won’t end up with clothing coming off.

  “I think that’s the best suggestion you’ve had in a while.”


  Holly walked out of the wedding reception quickly, ignoring the looks they were receiving as she knew her body was flaring up badly. Her eyes felt puffy, she had massive welts on her arms and could only imagine how bad her face looked. Niall opened the car door for her and looked at her apologetically. She shook her head in frustration. Why was the Benadryl not working yet?

  “I think I’m going to need something stronger, can you take me by the immediate care center?” she asked, scratching badly at her arms and chest. “I can get a steroid shot to get rid of this so I can think clearly.” Holly didn’t say a word about him speeding down the road; she was actually grateful and poured out of the muscle car in a purple satiny mess.

  The splotches on her arms were the size of someone’s hands and upraised in huge welts. Glancing up in the waiting room mirror, she saw that her face was covered and her mouth was swollen. She’d even scratched herself so much her neck was bleeding. She must look horrifying and yet, Niall was still there.

  The woman at the desk immediately grabbed a nurse to whisk Holly into a room with the clipboard. Niall followed, and surprisingly the nurse allowed him to. Usually they asked family members to wait outside in the reception area. He politely turned his back as Holly was quickly changed into a paper gown and given a sheet to cover herself.

  She was just ready for some relief and frankly didn’t care who was there at the time. It took everything she had not to yank the needle from the nurse as she injected the steroid into her arm. Minutes ticked by and Holly was still itching, but not in the severity it was earlier. She’d wanted to tear her skin off moments ago, and had nail scratches to prove it.

  “Feeling any better?” the nurse asked.

  “Yes, much. It’s finally fading.”

  “You could start up your allergy shots again, Holly, if it’s gotten this bad.”

  “I’d prefer not to and it’s not guaranteed to keep from having a reaction.”

  “No, but it could keep it mild”

  “Maybe you should,” Niall interrupted quickly, gathering the two women’s attentive glares. Holly couldn’t believe he’d had the nerve to speak up and comment on it.

  “I’d prefer not to get poked all the time if I could just stay away from the irritant. So far- that would be you!”

  “That’s the easiest way to handle it.”

  “Nurse, could you excuse us a moment?” Niall said firmly, staring at the other woman as she did an about face. Holly gaped as the nurse immediately backed out of the room. She was shocked at how complacent the feisty woman was – usually she was a spitfire and sassed patients all the time about how they needed to take care of themselves. As the door shut closed, she glared at Niall.

  “I don’t need allergy shots,” she started, and got quiet as he sat down hard in the chair nearby. There was something about his face that stopped her in her tracks. He looked… devastated. “What?”

  “Holly, remember after the race how you asked if I had a dog?”

  “You do, don’t you?”

  “It’s actually worse than that,” he muttered, raking his fingers through his hair. He pulled the tin tray off the roll-around cart, scattering the wrappers and needle from her injection onto the counter nearby. Holding up the surface of the tray to Holly, she glanced at her reflection.

  “Yep, I’m all puffy and red. Gee, thanks for showing me again… wait,” she stopped mid remark and stared at her neck. There were two small punctures just below her ear, puffed up and red with a rash around it. “What are you showing me?”

  “Holly, I don’t know how to say this without you thinking I’m insane or making you scream in fright. I got so caught up in the moment, that I bit you. I’m cursed, Holly.”

  “No, I think I am. I mean, look at my arms and face.”

  “I was condemned a long time ago to be alone. My whole family was, which was why I had to leave the wedding. I could feel the presence of one of my siblings nearby and when they are close, I’m weak and vulnerable.”

  “Okay, so no Hercules then, so they aren’t nearby now?”


  “So that means you are super strong?”

  “I’m immortal, not strong.”

  “You’re on crack,” Holly said flatly, glancing at the tray he held. “Next you’ll be telling me you’re a vampire and did this on purpose.” Holly pointed at her neck. The bite-mark was evident on her, but where were his teeth? “Smile, right now.” His strained smile showed no elongated teeth, but she did see a hint of redness like he’d been drinking a Slurpee.

  Holly the Slurpee.

  She eyed him apprehensively and looked at the tray again in disbelief. Did the handsome guy actually bite her? How had she not felt anything? Being in his arms was incredible and so hot, her body had burned with passion, but was that the allergy or for real?

  “It was actually an accident – I got carried away and yes. I am a vampire but was also cursed with lycanthropy. I’m a werewolf that feeds on blood. I truly am a dog and the reason you are flaring up.”

  Looking up at Niall, she saw that he truly believed this and everything he said made complete sense, except for the fact that he was claiming to be a mythological creature that drank blood and howled at the moon. She didn’t know what was worse, the fact that the first man she was truly attracted to was insane… or that what he said was true and she was allergic to him. Touching him or kissing him would result in this each and every time.

  Laughing to herself, she shook her head. Maybe they’d slipped her some awesome drugs with the steroid shot, or she’d gotten a bad batch. She was losing her mind and if she didn’t shut up, they’d lock her away.

  “Look, I’m feeling better and just want to go home. I don’t want to be anybody’s Scooby-snack or doggie treat – I just think I need some sleep and time alone for the drugs I am obviously on… to wear off. Let’s get the nurse in here and get me out.”

  “Can I take you somewhere for dinner?”

  “In your terms: I’ll take a doggie bag. I seriously need to be alone so I can get the swelling to go down and think.”

  “I’ll drive you home.”

  “Actually, I’ll take an Uber. No offense.”

  Niall’s shoulders dropped as he nodded and backed out of the room. She heard him talking with the nurse and then suddenly his warm, caring voice was gone, leaving a vacuum in her. Could the fantastical story he’d told her be true? If it was…what happened? How did he get like this and could they make it work? The door opened slightly as the nurse peered in.

  “Feeling better already?”

  “Yes, the swelling has gone down quite a bit. Thank you,” she agreed. “Did my… did Niall head out?”

  “Yes ma’am, he said you could take the car. He left the keys with the front desk and said you could take your time getting ready. I have a few Medrol dose packs for you in case you flare up again like this.”

  “Thank you – and I need to schedule the allergy shots again, please,” Holly said softly. She had no idea if what he said was true, but she wasn’t going to let another flare-up stop her from finding out more about the man that held her captivated.


  Niall left the immediate care clinic in emotional chaos. He was keenly aware of the disbelief and the horrified awareness in Holly’s reaction. She was stunned and pushing him away again. He couldn’t blame her. This was all his fault and due to his lack of control. He’d wanted to have a few drinks with her and sweet talk her into a date or relationship. Everything in him wanted to get to
know her better. He craved her scent and had thought about her repeatedly since the race and his teeth cleaning. There was a scent she gave off, a pheromone that was sweeter than any perfume he’d ever smelled.

  When they’d been talking, he’d leaned forward to kiss her and everything had unraveled in him. He’d pulled her bodily to him and she’d responded. Every move he made, she’d melted against him. He’d been in heaven tasting her sweet pert breasts, and when he’d touched her most sensitive spot, she’d arched her neck in the throes of passion. Niall had bit her tenderly. His teeth had slid out of their own accord. No blood had been needed to draw them out – no hunger- just Holly’s essence.

  The first taste of her sweet blood had been heaven and he thought his heart would burst. If there had been any doubt before, it was wiped clean the moment his tongue had sampled her. No other had ever tasted so sweet or made him feel so intensely alive, full of wanton needs and carnal desires.

  Feeding had always been perfunctory. A grotesque meal preparation that had to be done. He’d freeze his victims, wipe their thoughts and finish quickly, gulping down his meal like a child eating Brussel sprouts for the first time.

  Not with Holly – he wanted to savor her, drawing out his meal as long as possible. Her blood was like sampling a fine wine or the best slice of dessert ever created. The smell of the first bite made you moan in lust and desire. The actual taste made you relish the fact that your taste buds felt alive and you’d never had anything quite like it before…and the second bite made you understand that this dessert was decadent and incredible. When he’d pulled back from Holly’s throat, he’d felt a keen sense of loss and almost grabbed her to pull her back to him.

  Her scent was still on him and he could imagine the taste of her, making his gut clench in desire and loss. His woman was in there and afraid of him. He wanted to disappear and run away from the memory of her expression. Niall did something that he’d not done in a long time: he changed.

  His body contorted, as he struggled to morph into a wolf. Because his stepmother had condemned him to both nightmarish creatures, he was stuck between the worlds. He wasn’t fully vampire, having to hide from the sun, nor was he fully wolfen. It was painful and hard to change form physically.

  Staring at his hands in the darkness, his fingers elongated and his palms stretched. Each of his arms snapped and popped as his elbows and bones adjusted to the new form. He bit back a scream as his shoulders widened and his back arched. As his legs began to fold, he dropped to all fours and waited for the finished product. He accepted the pain and relished it. His mind took the back seat as instinct flared hotly. The wolf took control and the human was willing to let him. He wanted to run from the sadness and fear in her eyes…and forget.

  * * *

  Holly was gathering her things at the clinic and finally back in the horrendous satin bridesmaid dress. She felt lost and struggling with the revelations from Niall. Part of her wanted to admit the fact that he was a nut-job and she’d hit it off with a real winner… yet, another part of her sensed that he was telling the truth. He believed what he was saying. Her body knew before she did that something was wrong, making her itch and sneeze.

  Her body also recognized him.

  She’d never felt such joy and wanton desire in someone’s arms. The moment he’d kissed her, she’d come undone and had given herself to him. He could have made love to her there in that storage closet and it would have felt like a honeymoon. If he was a wolf, she was his bitch in heat.

  So why was she hiding from him? Why would she tell him to leave? Holly heard the faint howl outside as she left the building. A hot tear slipped from her eyes as she knew it was him and he was hurting. How did she reach out to him? Pat her leg… offer doggie treats? What would having a relationship with him be like? Should she invest in scarves to cover her neck and increase her intake of iron tablets for her anemia? Flea collars?

  This was why she needed time.

  She needed to process what accepting his words as truth would do to her life, and what denying him would do to her soul. She already knew deep inside that she wanted more of what she had briefly experienced in that storage closet to the fullest extent possible.

  Standing there beside Niall’s car, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath of the night air. Change was coming, it was just a matter of deciding what she would choose. He’d been polite enough to leave the car for her and while no one else questioned that he’d left the keys, she’d known deep in her heart that he’d left the car ‘cause he had an alternate means to get home. Problem was, she didn’t know how. Did he turn into a bat and fly away? His howl had given away his choice, but if he was a wolf…could there be more transformations?

  At that thought, she hurriedly got in the car and slammed the door shut. She pushed the knob down, locking the door, and glanced up to see a massive shaggy animal back into the bushes. Was that Niall, and was he dangerous like this? For a moment she knew she should be terrified but somehow wasn’t. She was curious, fascinated. Starting the car, it roared to life with the throaty sound the carburetor made and made her miss him that much more. Niall was like the car, powerful, and brought a surge of excitement.

  Driving herself home, she flew into the front door and threw the locks. It was almost comical how she tiptoed around the house turning off the lights and making sure the blinds were closed. She had never been paranoid before but now she was definitely hiding from Niall. She wasn’t scared, but just wanted to distance herself.

  Running a bath, she thought back about the entire afternoon and evening – replaying everything in her head. The look in his eyes, the feel of his lips, and even the keen sense of disappointment in his face when she brushed him off. The attraction was certainly there, but so was the allergic reaction. Settling down in the warm water, she added some Epsom salt and shut her eyes. Poor Vanessa, if she had passion like that with someone… how could she settle for good ‘ol Russ? He was so… normal.

  Niall was anything but that.

  There was something about him that made her aware of him in a way she’d never expected. She’d been out with guys, but none of them drew her like a compass needle to a magnet. Niall was a perfect gentleman in so many ways, but in others she could see the depths of passion in his eyes – and it was only for her.

  The thought of him directly focusing that desire made her toes curl. If she was willing to take emotion out of the equation- she was clinically fascinated with him. How old was Niall if his story was true? What was it like to be a whatever he was…a vamp-dog, bloodsucking beast, a mutt with a terrific butt, a fang she almost banged? She groaned at the pathetic line of thought her mind was travelling down and turned on the dentist once again. How did his teeth work? Did she feel his incisors descend and how did they retract? Did he file them, and why didn’t it hurt when he bit her? Would she turn into a vampire?

  Holly started to jerk upwards only to slip against the slope of the tub, sliding herself down into the water and coming up sputtering. Wiping her eyes, she held her hands in front of her searching for anything different in appearance. Did she crave a rare steak, a chew toy… Alpo?

  This time, she did laugh out loud, breaking the silence in her house. She was fascinated and had not truly been so intrigued or felt so alive in such a long time. She wanted to know more about the man, and it would involve a long discussion in a safe place. Being alone would be a terrible idea because she also craved relief for the feelings he’d uncovered inside of her.


  “Conn, I have truly messed up badly and I need your help,” Niall admitted, calling his brother on FaceTime once he got home. He had a hard run, went through the pain of the transformation, and got a cold shower. Nothing was helping. He had Holly on the brain and needed a fix like an addict. He could breathe her scent, tasted her sweetness, and it was etched in his mind… taunting him.

  “Screwed the pooch, ol’ buddy?” Conn’s jovial deep voice came through the phone speakers, almost drawing a smile f
rom Niall. His brother’s quick wit and sarcastic sense of humor had always been both a blessing and a curse. Growing up, Conn had a way of making a bad situation fade away by a few well-timed punchlines…but he had also ended up with a few punches too.

  “Har-de-har-har, very funny. I come to you for help and this is what I get?” Niall asked.

  “You know, I should pencil this on the calendar so I know just how many times I have bailed you out over the years and how many times you’ve helped me… and Niall, how many times has that been?”

  “None, you jackass. You always manage to talk yourself out of most everything.”

  “Exactly. A skill you’d think you’d have learned by now?”

  “Enough. Are you going to help me or not?”

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” Conn said obligingly. There was a smirk on his beloved brother’s face that made Niall leery. His brother was quite the prankster and used to enjoy putting all sorts of bugs and rodents in cupboards, bedlinens and closets as a child.

  “There’s this girl…” and Conn’s peal of laughter immediately shut Niall off. He didn’t say a word for several minutes. As his brother wiped tears from his eyes, he hid a smile behind his hand and cleared his throat.

  “Please continue?”

  “Are you finished?”

  “Yes, unless you tell me she looks like…” his brother started laughing again and slapping his leg. Niall watched him on the small screen. Part of Niall was envious of the ease in which Conn found humor in everything. He enjoyed seeing his brother laugh and it brought back nostalgia for days long ago. Time had passed and so much had been missed out on. He’d willingly be the butt of his jokes if he got to see his closest brother like this…it eased the embarrassment that he felt in confiding he was having girl problems.

  “… unless she looks like Lassie or Poochie?” Conn roared hysterically and then got the hiccups. Niall himself grinned at the quick comeback. “Can we kennel you two together and just get it over with?”